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Application d'huile essentielle


The personality test

Would you like to have a first idea of what your Prakruti potentially is, ie your Ayurvedic identity? I invite you to complete this mini  quiz below. 

1. Comment sont mes os ?
2. Comment est ma peau ?
3. Comment fonctionne mon transit ?
4. Comment fonctionne mon métabolisme ?
5. Quelle est ma relation à la nourriture ?
6. Qu'est ce qui est le plus important pour moi ?

Total of A:  

Total of B:

Total of C:  


If you have a higher result in A, it is Vata that predominates in you.

If you have a higher result in B, it is Pitta that predominates in you.

If you have a higher result in C, it is Kapha that predominates in you.

If scores are equal, you are a mixed type, such as: A and B equal means you are Vata/Pitta or B and C equal means you are Pitta/Kapha

If the score shows a tie between A, B and C, you are potentially Vata/Pitta/Kapha

Namely, that this test can only give an indication but cannot really affirm your prakruti!

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