Ayurveda or "the science of life" is a complete therapeutical system originated more than 5 000 years ago, coming from the south state of India, the Kérala. Ayurveda focuses on caring for the physical body, mind and emotions. It includes nutrition, phytotherapy, massages, psychology and spirituality.
According to Ayurveda, everything or being in the whole universe is composed of the five elements (ether, air, fire, water, earth) in different quantities. A dosha, also called energetic principle or bodily humor is a combination of two elements.
VATA, the principle of movement is composed of ether (or space) and air, PITTA the principle of transformation is composed of fire and water, KAPHA the principle of cohesion is composed of water and earth.
Each person contains these five elements and three doshas. The various proportions of the elements in each of us is the reason of the unique expression of our entity at a physical and psychic level. This unique proportion of the elements represents our real nature or PRAKRUTI. This state of balance is defined during our conception and will stay unchanged through our whole life.
Regarding our lifestyle (food diet, sport vs sedentary, repressed or expressed emotions, stressful or calm lifestyle ...) but also our way of responding to the external factors (forecast, seasons, relations...) or toward the internal ones (our digestive fire, metabolism...), we can get away from our balance state of health, Prakruti, and then enter into an imbalance state called VIKRUTI. That is how some physical, psychical or emotional symptoms can manifest. It exists different steps or degrees of aggravation of the doshas according to the state of the disease or state of imbalance present.
Ayurveda seeks to identify the original causes in order to reveal the doshas or THE elements responsible for THE imbalances
Preventive and curative vision
In order to fully support the person on his return to a state of balance, Ayurveda seeks to identify the original causes so that to reveal the dosha(s) or element(s) responsible for these imbalances. Ayurveda assumes that it is our lifestyles (not appropriate to our nature) that are responsible for our states of imbalance such as poor quality food, a bad combination of foods, over-stimulation of the 5 senses, an unorganized pace of life, unsuitable physical postures.
The emphasis is therefore placed on synchronizing our routine with the cosmic rhythm to which a wisdom of life is attached. As a curative system but also preventive system of medicine, Ayurveda encourages everyone to listen to the precious messages sent by the body in order to acquire better knowledge and self-awareness. Also called the science of longevity, Ayurveda sheds light on your problems and offers you to adapt your lifestyle to your personal constitution in order to keep you in the best possible state of health for as long as possible!
The WHO recognizes Ayurveda as an complete system of traditional medicine. The "Indian Ayurvedic medicine" can't be replace by the French medical system. Thus, advices from your doctor can't be replace by the "Indian Ayurvedic medicine".